Dive Deeper
Software Engineer and Software Developer Edgar Jaimes thrives on overcoming challenging opportunities.
Edgar is a Mexican-American programmer who studied at Georgia Southern University. His infant years were spent living in Mexico with his grandmother. Then later, in San Jose California with his beloved mother. He is self-made and self-taught in many areas. He joined the military at eighteen, stationed in Savannah, GA. In Savannah he then pursued an education at Georgia Southern University to follow his aspirations in Computer Science.
Edgar’s approach to programming is simple. If you know the language then, you know what to tell the computer what to do. When he comes to a challenging project he likes to take a step back, usually, by exercising. By visualizing the algorithm and approaching the challenge with a new mindset he overcomes his work.
On Edgar’s downtime he enjoys spending time with his brothers and family. Him and his brothers will spend time fishing, camping, hiking, bonfires with smores, kayaking, and most importantly talking about conspiracy theories.